

Obscure cartoonist who lives far, far away. Author: Nuking Alaska, Notes of an Atomic Fugitive, coming in June & My Degeneration, a Journey Through Parkinsons.

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Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation? Don't look at me!

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Rusted truck revisited. Now fortified with extra irony!

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Car carcass. I love to draw abandoned cars.They take on wonderful colors, textures, as if trying to be desired again

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Don Smith for School Board! Because Ignorance is a Critical Element of Education!

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Eyesore with eagles- shirtless in Sochi

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Alaska collides with Canada, or possibly Finland in the late Subcutaneous era. http://t.co/GvFmoNE2ar

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Overlooked Alaska History: George Washington drives the trolls from the Ship Creek drainage

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For Mssrs. Cohen and Cale

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