

An exploration and base building game by @roxflame, exploring the ethical and environmental consequences of exploiting a mysterious alien ecosystem.

フォロー数:121 フォロワー数:680

That moment when you're sketching a light source and you realise it just looks like a layer of jam...

1 10

First time user testing is ALWAYS like this... "What why can't you just do it right!!" It gets easier!

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What could possibly cause such a sudden state of shock...

4 8

*Bleeeep boop, chzzz, bleeeep* "FOLLOW OR BE EXTERMINATED!"

2 1

Cheers! Patience thankfully is something I have a lot of :)

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Some work in progress, converting and into large scale This will take a while...

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Whether or not to make the plants sentient and sassy when you laser other plants, now that is the question

1 7

Looking forward to bringing Dynabrick to and Going to be a crazy week!

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WIP 3D model of Dynabot for cutscene graphics :)

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