

Updates on your cosmos and world.

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NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope has released new images of Jupiter, showing the planet's giant storms, powerful winds and auroras. Wide field images also captured Jupiter’s faint rings and some Jovian satellites. See the images here:


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John Merriam in Florida took this image on Tuesday and wrote: “Last couple of nights were really active, although this one zapped the power for a short time, and our AC is not working today. In Florida, that's an issue.” Thank you, John! Hope you’re managing to stay cool. 🌩️

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is a constellation that rises in the east-southeast on fall evenings. It lies below Pisces the Fish and Eridanus the River to create a pleasing water-themed area of the night sky. Tonight, the moon will pass above Cetus:

📸 Wikimedia

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Did you know? This week marked the fifth anniversary of NASA’s spacecraft going into orbit around Jupiter. This image shows Jupiter’s south pole covered in cyclones up to 620 miles (1,000 km) in diameter.

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Ophiuchus is sometimes called the 13th or forgotten constellation. Why? And what does the Serpent Bearer represent? Read about Ophiuchus here.

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Pictured is a stitched image of several photographs taken at the same location over time. The artist, Alex Hyner, calls it "twenty skies." Which is your favorite: soft sunrises, warm sunsets, or clear blue skies? ☁️

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When and where will the next North American total solar eclipse take place? Turns out … it's sooner than you might think. ☀️🌑

Find out when and where to see the next total solar eclipse in 2024:


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is one of the largest stars known. One of its puzzling features is that it’s faded in brightness, gradually, over the past couple of centuries. "It's a lot like Betelgeuse on steroids," astronomers said: ⭐️

📸 Hubblesite

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A severe climate change event on Venus may have transformed an Earth-like climate to the current uninhabitable-to-humans state. 🌎🔥 Learn more about why scientists think this incredible and drastic change happened:

📸 Shutterstock/ The Conversation.

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Popular at EarthSky: Astronomers capture 1st direct image of young giant exoplanet 📸

Click here to learn more about the distant world Beta Pictoris c and how it was photographed:

📸 GRAVITY/ Axel M. Quetz/ MPIA Graphics Department/ Science Alert.

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