

tormented freak, internet jester, archon of the bug girl agenda. Models are self-made.
💚 Fan tag is #JunipArt
[email protected]

フォロー数:2493 フォロワー数:226068

funny head exploder girl for like 10 of my followers

263 2985

an exercise in patheticmaxxing

391 6652

had to explain channel awesome lore to another friend group because they didn't get my joke

109 3356

Hi I'm doing a free samples push!
This will run for 48 hours, in which using my MOTHGOOP code can be used for free samples, free shipping, and a sticker (limited). No credit card required.
or, it can also be used for free shipping on a normal order :)

163 1645

ineed to look like this someday or I'll throw up

1480 15887