

Freelance illustrator, small streamer, writer, maker of things! Currently daydreaming about elves, mages, and dragons!

フォロー数:154 フォロワー数:414

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I'm following the official prompts this year, but I'll try to stick to a theme: places in Ivendarea, my original world in progress :D Today Saratheas, capital of Ivendarea, will make the start!

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The illustrious Aella - rebel leader, outcast, powerful mage. I hope that I will manage to portray her in a way that makes her an antagonist you sympathize with, someone who might not be what others see in her at first glance.


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Another concept based on one of my Patreon supporters :D A mage, belonging to an ethnic group of the Nyr elves who originae from Ivendarea's central mountain massive.

Learn more about Ivendarea on Worldanvil: https://t.co/5e1Lyii6H5

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Another quick Ivendarea doodle, this time of Ricnan!

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Tamlen, Savin, and Taelhen are up to no good...

A bigger doodle that I might not have shared 1-2 years ago, because it's far from perfect... but it's for a super self-indulgent project I really love working on, so who cares xD I loved making it!

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Elornan, a mage, scholar, and teacher, venturing into his garden in the morning hours 🌻

He is one of many characters of my original story & setting Ivendarea: https://t.co/PB1JXyRr4p

Get the full image on Patreon in September and support my work! :D https://t.co/xgrUbhofIc 🎨

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A banner I drew for Chpt. 5 of a fic I'm currently writing! :D Tamlen at age 14, sitting by the campfire with his best friend Josmael 🔥

Read "Child Protected by the Sky": https://t.co/tMFaHSL9nK

Check out my Patreon ♥ https://t.co/pQfvvTsD6P

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A couple of rough concepts of the town Stendell, which started out as a small mine and is now a blooming centre of blacksmithing.

I'm a little more than halfway towards my next milestone goal on Patreon! Help me make the Ivendarea Lorebook a reality! :D https://t.co/xgrUbhFQzK

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July was all in the name of reflected in this month's Patreon art-packs 😄 I had so much fun experimenting with styles, capturing moods & designing characters in different settings!
Pledge now to get the August art-packs! https://t.co/Q9Rt35XYs1

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I've finally picked up writing an old fic of mine again, Tamlen's life in clan before the events of Inquisition! Still a long way to go to finish it, but here's a doodle of the protagonists & the AO3 link if you want to give it a read: https://t.co/ovdSGIrDbf

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