

artist - private @chara_undertaie - read website before following, please

フォロー数:656 フォロワー数:11725

funny strong guy

32 285

ok guys its doen theyrelike a mewtwo that got posessed by an unknown force and started obliterating everything . theyre still completely alert and see everything theyre being forced to do but have very limited control. their eyes change color based on how much theyre resisting https://t.co/5JHmLalWZX

66 321

i guess it works

3 23

ok heres mine his name is spacegunbyte he has won 1 trillion awards from 50 year olds who have never played a game before

2 4

all we have is a version that was edited to be transparent im gonna do some poking around and see if we posted the original somewhere on discord

0 43

wart bleeds this is an unedited sprite

2 82