Osam-Eu Dazai is writing Peach Flower Boy☁️🏛️📑🧋さんのプロフィール画像

Osam-Eu Dazai is writing Peach Flower Boy☁️🏛️📑🧋さんのイラストまとめ

I bully Dazai bc I kin him, dear Reader 🥺🦀🍶📘 • Lit graduate • 24 • she/her • CC: curiouscat.me/eu_gi_oh • Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/Y8Y83I42Y

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:6467

banger harukawa official arts im still mentally processing

51 443

"dazai never got the chance to go to school and be a normal student 🥺"

it's okay he lives alone and is an alcoholic it's basically the same thing

122 924

this is dazai's sluttiest official art. the amount of cunt he's serving in this could crash the stock market.

41 304

tale as old as time: AI robots built to help people, tiny protagonist w older brother issues, and science i can barely understand

136 778

not to be dramatic but i will never know peace until they're reunited

81 457