Osam-Eu Dazai is writing Peach Flower Boy☁️🏛️📑🧋さんのプロフィール画像

Osam-Eu Dazai is writing Peach Flower Boy☁️🏛️📑🧋さんのイラストまとめ

I bully Dazai bc I kin him, dear Reader 🥺🦀🍶📘 • Lit graduate • 24 • she/her • CC: curiouscat.me/eu_gi_oh • Ko-Fi: ko-fi.com/Y8Y83I42Y

フォロー数:200 フォロワー数:6467

the goddess poet sappho has come to us in the form of ozaki koyou

13 163

how could mayoi just drop this boss ass character design and then have them disappear off of the face of the earth for eternity

62 700

i dont care if it's convoluted and doesn't make any sense I'll always thank god for dead apple bc of all the harukawa art we got out of it

21 156

i get so overly excited when the bsd characters are shown reading books i know it's so mundane and obvious for a series abt all these authors but i see them and im like !!! hi !!! i do that too, but with your books !!! i really love your stories it's cool you like stories too !!!

54 329

i love them they can do no wrong in my eyes id do anything for that smile

15 153

the day i get my copy of this is the day i'll really lose it, i swear

26 327

reminder to be pissed off that dazai knows he's pretty

58 455

it is genuinely so fucking hot to me how i could just look at him and not see A SINGLE THOUGHT behind those eyes oh my god marry me i literally think and think and think all the time and can't stop ever you're like a pretty deadpan magic unicorn to me AARRRGHHH

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