

I am but a humble weeb ₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾

フォロー数:1970 フォロワー数:1109

The sounds of an unfathomable eldritch entity lying dormant within the abyssal depths of the ancient obsidian temple calling upon me. 😳

1 13

No matter how loud I scream, the voices are always louder

2 11

Oculus Quest is impossible to find at MSRP

4 15

Random memory from my childhood: I once entered debug mode on Sonic Advance by accident during the boot which set the game to 100% completed. I was like 7 years old trying to skip the title screen by button mashing and somehow activated it.

0 8

So strange there’s people who can’t tolerate social isolation for a few days.

4 14

Don’t let the you-know-what out of the bag

1 7

Boyle.. put boyle water in there and then put it in the freezer IT NEVER GON FREEZE CAUSE ITS BOYLE IT'S BOYLE *in unison* IS BOYLE is boyle ayy

0 14