

I am but a humble weeb ₍₍(ง˘ω˘)ว⁾⁾

フォロー数:1970 フォロワー数:1109

Just learned that post-nut clarity is actually called the refractory period

0 11

Any weeb born after 2000 can’t cook... all they know is McDonald’s, My Hero Academia, donate money to Patreon, coom, argue over who the hottest underage Pokémon character is, eat hot chip and lie

11 30

Death Stranding is unique and enjoyable. The slow start seems to have a negative perception on western audiences. If anyone is curious, the true game experience starts after the first boss fight which took about 6-8 hours to reach. My only complaint so far is vehicle controls.

5 38

I’ve been playing so much Borderlands 3 and Destiny 2 I thought I could apply a shader to my actual clothes today

1 6

The first and only time I will roll the gacha for a 5* craft essence

1 6