

May the bridges we burn light our way to the future. For Crymore updates alone: @crymoreofficial

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:446

Tfw you don't smoke but your friends do, so you get all the second-hand cancer and eau de burning sewer, but none of the nicotine.

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Bullshit man, I am normal as--
*looks at outfit*

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Anime. Anime never changes.

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If this doesn't nail me a boyfriend-free girl at nothing will.

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Christ, I think it's time for a drink. Image below was licensed by neither the artist nor myself. See you on death row.

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Haha, there's no way it's been 10 year--
...fuck, where did I put my cyanide?

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It amazes me how "content creators" believe they're owed anything beyond fake social status. Get a contributory job, you net drain scum.

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Maybe going into a prerelease completely tanked isn't a good idea, but you can't deny that it's an idea. (Being realized right about now.)

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