

May the bridges we burn light our way to the future. For Crymore updates alone: @crymoreofficial

フォロー数:21 フォロワー数:446

Nah, girl. Jesus is my condom.

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Persona 5 has drained me of a lifetime of sperm reserves. Kawakami, you are too cruel.

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P5's death doctor is too fucking good. GOTY. AOTY even.

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Mfw I realize is only a month away.

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I've found you will never be "that guy" so long as you keep shifting the definition of who "that guy" actually is.

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TFW your bosses love you & also you spend at least 3 hours every day searching for obscure, illegal-in-every-country-but-America hentai desu

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Hey if you decide to blow anything up plz leave the midwest we're cool I swear.

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Nothing like alcohol to make you hate again~

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MFW every time I deny a con high five

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TFW forced to go to B-dubs for work and also it's wing's night and also you've lost 10 followers over the past 2 days.

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