

May the bridges we burn light our way to the future. For Crymore updates alone: @crymoreofficial

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# mhxx

for Switch? These emotions I'm feeling are illegal in 37 countries.

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Watching Fukumenkei Noise, when the chick just starts screaming out loud in the concert audience... premium cringe. I can't watch any more.

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This is the kind of shirt that I know I shouldn't buy... but am going to anyway.

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TFW you realize you will never be a pokemon master no matter how many kraft macaroni & cheese cardboard cutouts you collected as a kid

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You know what, fuck this, I'm out. A man's got to have a code.

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TFW some of your crew unironically like Crunchyroll PR, failed aniblogger trash.

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When your boys dedicate their karaoke love songs to you.

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Here's to inactive twitter accounts.

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TFW you recognize three Japanese words in a row on an OP.

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