


フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:1250

Over the course of three games they put about every color imaginable on Huitzil.

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I think my only real complaint with Storm's Morrigan sculpt is that her arms and shoulders are awfully scrawny. Could stand to be beefed up just a little bit.

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Back before I knew about Kimo Kimo making the initial pitch for Akuma, I always wondered why he had a planner credit in Super Turbo. Now I know why.

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I just remembered one of my favorite Daigo quotes: "Morrigan has a fireball, an uppercut, and even overheads, but she still can't beat Pyron because he just runs off somewhere."

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You ever wanted to hand something to someone and just grow an extra arm out of your chest?

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Leave it to 90s Capcom to somehow make the concept of "Dracula Superman" work.

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In the original games and their promo art it was always on their upper backs. A lot of fanart just seems to copy what other fanart does without referencing the source material, hence why so much art out there gets it wrong.

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A sheer gown of some sort if her ending sequence is any indication. She also seemingly likes to sleep on beds of roses.

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Just realized I had been overlooking another Fred Forster Welcomes You track that was used in Cartoon Planet. In my defense, it's fairly drowned out by the dialogue in the sketches it's used in. But it means this meme continues to be accurate:

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