


フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:1241

Was talking on Discord about Darkstalkers comics and reminded of how much I love this particular cover. By Mine Yoshizaki, who drew lots of great video game comics and illustrations back in the day.

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For future reference, make sure to use aspect ratio-corrected sprites for reference. Demitri and Victor seem to be correct, but Felicia's pin is based on a raw, square pixel sprite making it wider than it should be when properly displayed.

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The front view sprite of Huitzil's pelvis section as seen during his turn-around animation includes a crotch bulge highlight.

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It's a trilogy of three quite different games, much like Street Fighter Alpha.

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These are some of the most frequently-used production libraries for background music in Cartoon Planet:

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Of all the terrible atrocities that the Darkstalkers cartoon perpetrated, the worst is that they gave Anakaris a throw.

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Akuma's 3rd Strike theme "Killing Moon" is like someone said "Let's make an entire song using nothing but that Emulator II shakuhachi sample."

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I'd love to see Huitzil! Especially if you can manage to include some weapon parts to swap in! I think the big drill arm from his crouching hard punch would be a great choice, and would appeal to mecha fans.

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