Fate/GO NEWS (JP)さんのプロフィール画像

Fate/GO NEWS (JP)さんのイラストまとめ

UNOFFICIAL English Twitter account for Fate/Grand Order JP. Check the pinned tweet for event info! ||
Official: @fgoproject (JP)

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# fatego

Get Heart Bracelets from Missions in order to ascend Kuro! Special 3☆ CE EXP cards will also be available!

31 11

Kaleido Sapphire (4☆)
Arts cards +10%
NP Power +8%
Attack +50% (event)
Arts cards +50% (World End Match)

52 33

Kaleido Ruby (4☆)
Buster cards +10%
NP power +8%
Attack +50% (event)
Buster cards +50% (World End Match)

69 43

Fate/kaleid Liner Prisma Illya Collab Event: Magical Girl Chronicle ~Prisma Cause~ will open mid-September!

106 63

More Servants will have their Bond Level limit increased! Get their Bond to lv. 10 and receive a unique CE!

30 9

Meat Wars (4☆)
Recover 200 HP/turn
Arts cards +8%
Eadrom alloy, Stone drops +1

76 38

Knights of Marines (5☆)
Quick cards +10%
NP charge starts at 50%
Ishuca alloy, Iron drops +1

116 71

Chaldea Lifesavers (5☆)

Guts (1 time, 1 HP)
NP gain +15%
Oil & Cement drops +1

63 39

New CEs will be available for part 2, and both old and new CEs will boost event item drops for both maps.

24 14

The 7th batch of Bond Lv. CEs has been released! At bond Lv. 10, the ff. Servants get their unique CEs!

20 11