

2D/3D generalist, programmer. 10+ years of daily art streams: twitch.tv/floatharr. Bi-monthly art thoughts and sketches.

フォロー数:264 フォロワー数:1871

Spent a little more time on the sketch today, and added some vignette and background gradients as finishing touches

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Never really tried using photo reference just for light & color before, worked out well. I think I'll do more of that

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Decided to practice using color smudge brushes finally. A pleasure to use, very clean gradients. Seems faster too

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More of a technical exercise / doodle today. Trying really hard to make clean edges and gradients :P

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Design worked out well, sketching workflow improved. Started working on materials more, but need to improve on detail

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I don't have a good explanation for this :D Just experimenting today.

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Calling this a Trilophant. Getting easier to paint a sketch, but I need a workflow that doesn't leave the hatching in

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Galactic accountant. Making sure to shade while sketching makes the rest of the painting go much much smoother

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Learned that painting is hard 10 min after a jog with a nearly full stomach. Maybe leave time for rest in the future

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This guy spits acid. More time on design and less on small detail, have to be efficient to get it all done in time

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