Bia Diamante 2∅♢ is so fucking tiredさんのプロフィール画像

Bia Diamante 2∅♢ is so fucking tiredさんのイラストまとめ

Commissions: OPEN!
Working at #LegendOfGenji //
NB, don't care abt pronouns.
Brazilian Portuguese ○ English○ 日本語○ Spanish△

フォロー数:224 フォロワー数:105

Apesar de todo esse caos acontecendo, tentarei manter o meu brilho - por mais efêmero que esteja, me esforçarei para fortalecê-lo.
Feliz aniversário Sergio.
Sinto sua falta.

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It was hard to choose
but mostly were emo/edgy, divas, cinnamon rolls, sassy and weirdos
and I would put even more alskdfjalskdfj (aaaand I sort of cheated in the last one)

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as no one gave me a 6th character, I decided it would be One-one, as today we must raise the hashtags!

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Finally finished birthday gift (it was last week, but I only was able to finish it today), so I'm sharing it here, because I want to :B

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[Sort of NSFW? a lot of exposed skin but nothing graphic]
Art posting time!
there was a tie within which version I was supposed to post, so I'll post both, red and pinkish-purple

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Obrigada 💝
É um dos que eu tenho mais orgulho

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obrigada por marcaaar <3

sou artista generalista, bem flopada
(digital, tradicional, maquiagem... tem uns outros, mas não faço com muita frequencia aslkdjflksdjfdl)

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