

Former Social Media Manager & Agent of the State, Current Video Producer/Editor & Comic Book Artist. Itinerant Deacon.

フォロー数:256 フォロワー数:355

Crewman Riki Niki of planet Fez.

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Ai vs me. As inspiration I see it as a valuable tool. Clearly it has the ability to make a pretty picture and eventually they’ll fix some the weirdness of it. It will be interesting to see how it develops.

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Cyberpunk John Calvin in Neo Geneva after the bomb.

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So I used as a prompt and then painted something myself based on what it did.

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More computer art.

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Improvement check, quote retweet with your own art.

November 2019 July 2022

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His other stuff is just as good, it’s honestly pitiful that the American market is so tiny and insignificant that no one bothers to import this stuff.

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people have asked me if Airboy influenced Stephen Starlight's design but honestly its a mashup of these characters.

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