

Former Social Media Manager & Agent of the State, Current Video Producer/Editor & Comic Book Artist. Itinerant Deacon.

フォロー数:256 フォロワー数:355

I'm just coming in to the point where I feel like being paid for my work is warranted, and conveniently its also the time I'm getting paid gigs. Obviously for me starting out at way lesser point on the art scale the only place to go was up. Same Character drawn in 2019 vs 2022

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An intergalactic Privateer Captain, Stephen Starlight, and his loyal crew explore the universe while competing for jobs with an entire fleet run by the insufferable Tom Terrific and battling the forces of (Name Redacted)!

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Will Kinnukuman ever get an official english release?

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This is not shade at anyone in particular but rather a culture built on personality before product. Consider Pullido, huge personality huge ahem products.

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Gustave Doré Appreciation thread.

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False, this is the correct answer.

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I'm sure this has been done, but I figured I'd make it anyways.

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I think the Warbound covers are the best ones, both the American cover and the French.

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