doctor victor von gloom ⛈️✨さんのプロフィール画像

doctor victor von gloom ⛈️✨さんのイラストまとめ

same handle on🦋 // twitter's doctor doom expert, keeper of doom canon, and all-around melodramatique scarred villain connoisseur ✨ art: @portwinestains

フォロー数:319 フォロワー数:2983







al ewing is a solid writer typically but he let me down with how he remixed the iconic doom and storm dinner date from claremont's uncanny x-men because storm won BOTH times but ewing's take is just bereft of the OG fun sexual tension AND feels less mutually respectful 👎 boo!

1 9

doom/ororo is sexy goddammit. and it's FUN because no matter how much suspicious shit doom gets up to, he's still incredibly into storm and storm is feeling it!!!! like i'm sorry but storm immd after the chrome statue situation was like "it's ok. i still think you're hot" LMAO

3 15

still in a passionate doom/ororo mood & i feel like rereading their dinner date in SWORD but it always makes me a bit mad. like why is it that only claremont in the EIGHTIES got that storm being desired & desiring wasn't bad or beneath her, so WHAT if doom's the gentleman caller!

0 13

she will hit on him whenever the opportunity presents itself

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"cock facing the world" is, in fact, the most apt description of doom

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