

Hardware / software necromancer, collector of Weird Stuff, maker of Death Generators. (she/they🏳️‍⚧️)


フォロー数:467 フォロワー数:130953

and you really need to zoom in to tell the difference.
Basically what happens is that it's running the 3D renderer at half-height, and stretching it out to the full height. So it has to render half the pixels.

6 149

Doctor: so how's your brain doing these days?
Me: You know that flute-boy in Zelda:A Link To The Past, who is slowly turning into a tree, and can feel his mind going as he slowly becomes wooden? Yeah, like that.

53 391

I don't know this character's name and I'm not gonna look it up yet, so I'm saving this file as "stoned madoka"

10 85

The number 1 reason to get a phone with a stylus is so that when you're only Tumblr and there's some anime girl in a bikini, you can give her glasses and a beard like you're a kid board with a newspaper and pen

24 319

Death Generator Update Time! Not a new one, an old one. pointed out that the World Heroes 2 generator had the palettes in the wrong order, so the normal image (palette was actually showing an alternate palette. Whoops.

1 48

Like I was looking at new phones recently and Samsung will sell me a phone with THREE SCREENS that folds in half.
Great. But could I get the same folding action but you just put a keyboard on the folding part?

13 123

fixed it. getting much closer.

9 91

I wonder how this baseball player got this name

69 515

if anime is so good why isn't there an anime 2

8 97

for some reason all the talking heads are split into two halves.
it's not even like this is some big filesaving measure, either, every front half has a corresponding back half.

1 32