

...cussin' (G Muzz) OG/Gray Fox w/ side Marble Fox- ⊑ᚣᘢᛢᚣ

-whiskey sippin'| 🎶 fiend | street art freak | Hockey fan | lover of life | Bi | 💍 to a lion | open

フォロー数:465 フォロワー数:226

Look at these sexy mofos heading to a near you.

...you killed it buddy. Always a pleasure.

let's go! 9 days! (some of us prefer to arrive Wednesday) ;)

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I have something pretty holy shit status in the works. A small team of mine been pouring our hearts into this for the past 4+ months now.

Still not done but close, very close.

Meantime have a logo that will play into this later.

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What goes better than a beer for breakfast you ask?

live drawing of course. Check his tag for details. I just received mine in mail, told to put under a blacklight. Well damn ♥.

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It had to be done and man did I pick the perfect artist to do this idea in my head justice.

It feels so weird to see my character like this. In my 20+ years of being in the furry fandom I've never considered sex appeal of my own oc. (cont.)

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have a blast all! More importantly stay safe. Keep hydrated and know your limits. Eager as hell to join you all again but I need my new suit to be done first.

Oh and take lots of pics and vids please!

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I looked it up for my own amusement and you can 100% send a weather balloon to Space.

Why oh why did you cut it ? Watching that was my zen. My fox agrees.....

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having a blast checking out all the good vibes you all give off from all the new posts. Next year I plan to go for sure. I went in 2011 (Year 5) and looks like you're triple that size now. Long overdue. Plus new suit, new oc. Ready to rep and shred it proper. <3

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I'm not there but maybe someone wants to commission some silliness for me.

I'm the keeper of the crayon after all dammit!

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I have the phone already so I might as well!

Nick Wilde coming at you folks. Enjoy!

Part 1 of 2


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