

...cussin' (G Muzz) OG/Gray Fox w/ side Marble Fox- ⊑ᚣᘢᛢᚣ

-whiskey sippin'| 🎶 fiend | street art freak | Hockey fan | lover of life | Bi | 💍 to a lion | open

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So I had my 15 year work anniversary this last Sunday. I had two goals for the bonus $$$. Make my final payment on this OG. And fursuit down payment. Exciting times!

Brin Levinson - Good Luck Out There

Oil on canvas 16"

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Oo De Lally!!!

came through. Woke up to email saying next in line on waitlist for a very special screening of Robin Hood's 45th Anniversary screening.

in attendance for a behind the scenes piece even. Im so freakin happy right now.

Golly what a day.

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I forgot to share this. I tried changing my name since new fursona/name.

Yeeeah that didn't work well. You go by Statik for 20+ years, you will always be Statik.

Art by

BTW props to her getting Bark Andre Fleury fan art on Jumbotron Stanley Cup Finals Game 2.

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I was gonna do 17x11 full bleed. Thought it be a nice piece to compliment this OG especially and add to my guest room theme of tasteful fox art. :)

I'll pass on sticker but thank you. Let me know what's up when you can. Thank you.

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Guess it's my turn. This will be funner with a new suit but all in good time.

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So I was pretty inspired by Isle of Dogs and not feeling the con theme of this year. I said screw it, I have a idea for a badge. I hit up the super talented and did a take on the missing poster only made it look like my partner made it. <3

Orig. ref in reply.

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Wow! I requested my 2 favorite foxes. Maybe drinking their own beer from their "time". Maybe scamming each other. Well, to my surprise he did BOTH!

I'm dying how happy this makes me. Personal life is pretty shit lately with broken hand crap so THIS helps . <3


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All kinds of good times at FC this year. Damn Twitter text limit can't fit it all. Thank you though. I needed that!
Commish done by Kitsumi.

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A cool little WIP animated gif I put together of the Robin Hood commish. Enjoy!

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