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6th Mirin Cake Cup Top 8
26 March 2021
- All 8 teams used NZAP85, 10 different players used it
- 97.6% of team comps had Armor, but NZAP85 only accounted for… 69.8% of it
- A lot of MPU mains seen came from Neo Splash (42.5%) & H3D (23.6%)
5th Mirin Cake Cup Top 8
4 October 2020
- Pixio Monster…( ߹꒳߹ )
- 68% of Quick Respawn mains seen came from vTenta + Tenta Camo (both Chikashi & Yomo-san had similar builds)
- 2x H3D team really not changing comps at all in Top 8
62nd Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Goby & Humpback most counterpick'd
- 6/8 teams used K52g or NZAP85, 5/8 teams used both in same comp
- Almost 60% of SJ came from K52g
- When Splatling's winning games in Finals didn't use any splatlings
- 2x Rapid Pro Deco comp…
1st Tower Cup+ Top 8
- TC-only & Sting Ray wasn't most used special, though it was seen in half of team comps
- K52g & CJS seen in same amount of team comps
- K52g most unique teams/players (6 teams, 7 players)
- Less than 40% of Armour came from NZAP85
56th Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Quite a few NeoSplash this tournament, but heavily picked on Mako, Moray, Shellendorf
- All these vJet picks lately
- Had to triple check to make sure Shimepii Drop Roller vTri on Triggerifhs was real
- ty Dynamon on Dynamo again
1st STP Cup Top 8
- Mako most counterpick'd, though 2nd place team accounted for 2 of 3 Wahoo picks
- Inkblot only map that wasn't picked from list
- Interesting to see where people will CJS vs vJet, Starfish + Ancho-V favouring Missiles, Wahoo maybe too
55th Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Nice to see Bloblobber in Finals, NZAP89 is cool too
- 5 no Armor team comps: 1 was 2x Bubble, the rest 2x Missiles (3/4 were by 2nd place team)
- Still surprised seeing Undercover Sorella (miss you, Nekura 🥲)
- So much SSU mains
53rd Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Albacore&Mako most counterpick'd maps
- More Foil Squeezer than I'm used to, seems like an Albacore thing
- SCU Foil Flingzas also had crazy Tenta Missile numbers
- Rentana's CJS builds were interesting, QR/ISS/InkRec & QR/SSU/SubUp
43rd Zones Cup+ Top 8
- New Albacore Hotel most counterpick'd stage
- Nice to see folks trying out Kensa .52 Gal, even if it was mostly on Triggerish + Albacore
(2x K52gal comp on Triggerish was kinda wohhhh)
- vDS making up almost 60% of all Missiles tho
42nd Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Humpback most counterpick'd stage
- Nice to see some non-MPU vDS/CDS builds
- vDS picked more than CDS this time
- Still staring at OctoNouveau in Finals, was Humpback tho
- Sometimes the maps favour vSqueezer over Foil
- 🐷VS 🍠