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38th Zones Cup+ Top 8
(1 QF set missing)
- Ty Rapid main, Luna main, (Grim) Range main in Top 8
- Interesting Respawn Punisher, Haunt, Thermal Ink usage
- Nice to see all the Object Shredders with Armour popularity
- Blackbelly brings the TriSloshers out
37th Zones Cup+ Top 8
(1 QF set missing)
- Squiffer Inkbrush team in Finals is cool
- Haven't been paying attention to gear lately, interesting how little Comeback was used here
- Two Whole Gloogas in Top 8 is neat too
- Hee-ho 2x Armour comps in 3rd~4th
Region Cup Top 8
- Nice variety of weapons like reg Splat Dualies, Kensa Gloogas, Kensa SSJR
- 2x Ink Armour not so popular here, 46% of Armours seen were from SSJR compared to 16% from NZAP85
- 2x Bubble was all from Samurai (Foil Squeezer+Kensa SSJR)
34th Zones Cup+ Top 8
(1 QF set missing)
- Nearly every comp had Armour, almost 40% of Armour seen was from SSJR (tho Pino is 12/22 of SSJR picks)
- Nice to see Riu-kun & others on BPN
- A team really did try 2x Kensa Rapid on MakoMart
- Let's go Squiffers
33rd Zones Cup+ Top 8
(1 QF set missing)
- K.Rapid technically picked the most, but SSJR+K.Rapid were in same amount of comps
- Something about 2x K.Rapid/Torps, 3x Missiles on Port Mack tho
- Casters enjoying 4x Blaster in semis (3 K.Rapid+Rapid Pro Deco)
WFB Cup SP Top 8
- Wide variety of weapons, nice to see Banan again on Grim Range too
- Rusu is just too good at covering with CJS
- Each team got to pick 1 map/mode to play on each set, so 10 games were SZ, 3 TW (2 by same team), 1 TC
- RIP RM/CB in Top 8
Area Cup Top 8
- Confused at Benza not on a brella, but neat to see both vSplash+NeoSplash used
- Nice to see Leon in a tournament like this, 1 of OG Rapids who sometimes appears in Top 8s
- Something about Armour & NZAP85, but then Varucan on vTri-Slosher
27th Zones Cup+ Top 8
- Great that 37 different weps used within 22 games
- We all know how good Yuyushi + Painapo are on Kensa Rapid, Tiramisu the sole Glooga user
- Nice to see Niama + Uru playing to form a 2x 96g team too
- Bless Fuuramun with Explosher
4th Mirin Cake Cup Top 4
- One of the rare maps determined by TOs kind of tournaments
- When people like Booyah Bomb so much they'll use Kensa 52g on SZ Humpback
- Insert comment about KPro vs CDS
- Sorella players were Rate, Inri, Riu-kun, Lumia btw
3-year Twitterversary with a twist, apparently people are upset that I don't talk/show my art studies
Thanks for watching me fumble around the world of Splatoon during all this time
I'll try to get back into looking at builds once the AC fever dies down