

| 23 | Read Re:Zero, Fate and Tomozaki for success in life | Currently slowly figuring out what I'm doing, don’t mind me | Tohsaka and Garfiel stan

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The ultimate reward for him came in the form of finally being able to experience the childhood that he never got to have, surrounded by people close to his age that he’s able to form deep bonds and friendships with and to finally be able to smile and genuinely be happy in life.

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Garfiel Tinsel is one of my favorite characters of all time, and so I wanted to dedicate an entire thread really delving into his own set of complicated and messy traumas and how they interlink with who he ended up becoming in the story proper, and why he acts the way he does.

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Took a look and it seems that the next two volumes of Monogatari are centered around Hanekawa and the volume after that is all about Mayoi. Ironically enough, these are my two fav female characters in this series rn, and I'm so hyped to see them reach even higher heights.

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Miotsukishi Omote is the only one of the console arcs that I see people playing, but it's not even the best thing about the console arcs. To make things clear, the best thing about them is Tomoe, the second best thing is more Tomoe and the third best thing is even more Tomoe.

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Shout out to my fifth to eight favorites too. They're fantastic too and I love them so I'm putting them here.

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Top 4 female characters (from weeb medias)

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I can if you want to.

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I will never get over the ridiculously endearing and adorable (but also deeply tragic and harrowing) dynamic between them. Probably my favorite fictional mother/daughter relationship

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