

| 23 | Read Re:Zero, Fate and Tomozaki for success in life | Currently slowly figuring out what I'm doing, don’t mind me | Tohsaka and Garfiel stan

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:1365

Alice in general is steadily growing on me as well.

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I played Fata Door 8 (7.5/10) which showcased the aftermath of Michel finally fully coming into his own as an individual with real agency and while there was clumsy and questionable handling of certain themes/ideas, this final arc still highlighted the beauty in his character.

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More blue people I love.

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Loving them was blue, or whatever blondie said.

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He's absolutely right. My daughters deserve so much better.

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Not Morgana spilling the facts (as per usual) 😭

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