

| 24 | Read Re:Zero, Fate and Tomozaki for success in life | Currently slowly figuring out what I'm doing, don’t mind me | Tohsaka and Garfiel stan

フォロー数:327 フォロワー数:1360

I finished Hisui's Route in Tsukihime (7/10) in Tsukihime which was focused on Shiki as he progressively is dealing with losing most of his bodily functions and his mind as well, while being tended to and supported by this route's heroine, as well as being about their romance.

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I was looking forward to seeing character's like Alexander's, Waver's, Stheno's and Altera's main roles in F/GO...and knowing that this it is just led to an even more bitter experience with this arc (especially after seeing what F/GO managed to do with Jeanne/Marie last arc).

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I played Fate/Grand Order Septem Singularity (3/10) full of blandness, wasted potential, nothing, nothing and more nothing on top of that. Well, I didn't actually hate it but it was frustrating seeing many interesting characters with potential used so negligently and terribly.

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While he didn't get as much as I wished he did, Siegfried is one of my mains (and he's good-looking haha) so I have a bias for him so he's up there as well. Him blushing gave me so much serotonin, I swear...and I really mess with him being such a straight-forward good guy.

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Marie was an absolute sweet-heart and her uplifting energy and perspective was pretty refreshing to have. I also rather liked the Jeanne content, and liked how her resolute goodness was presented. Now looking forward to Apocrypha even more. They're my Top 2 in F/GO so far.

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Nonetheless, just the fact that I got to spend more time with Akiha's character makes me content with this route

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I finished Akiha's Route in Tsukihime (7.5/10) which was focused around the relationship between two people who are internally incredibly devoted to each other but struggle with firmly re-establishing that bond due to specific unfortunate circumstances they were each put in.

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Also this one. I adore it whenever Rin is in teasing mode.

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They don't write incest content that are even near as iconic these days. They just don't LMAO.

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The biggest crime committed here was mainly using her as mouthpiece for the game explaining the basic lore instead of treating her like an actual character. Still liked her though hence why it sucked especially with how she's taken out of the narrative right at the end of this.

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