

Computational structural biology researcher with more than 20 years experience but now embarked in the scientific illustration & animation world

フォロー数:1456 フォロワー数:1011

More and more for
8: It is a Gram-negative strict is no motile & no spore-forming. Commonly associated with a non-westernized diet, mostly plant-based diet. And it looks like

0 4

Here we are again with more for
7: It is a Gram-positive bacilli, frequently used as probiotic. It is found in genital microbiota. And it looks like …

1 3

Another day of for
It is a Gram-negative bacteria that motiles thanks to one or two flagella. Some species may cause gastroenteritis and their transmission is related to contaminated food.

2 9

Here we go again with more for
Bacteria It is a proteobacteria bile-resistant, with pleomorphic cells due to an irregular cell wall. It is associated with a diet high in animal proteins and fats.
And it looks like ..

1 6

It is always a pleasure to collaborate with people you admire their work and from whom you learned a lot while working with them . If the project involves the celebration of the 50th anniversary , then it is just brilliant.

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Again stirring during with some imagery that I have created during my path in this field and that never saw the light. Be gentle with your comments. Still learning ;)

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It has been also the year where I have participated in my first course on Scientific Illustration. Hoping for more to come …

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Haha! I knew it! There is no way the of was going to be static. Everyone dances if you play the right melody

2 19

Spanish Women in Science is an illustrated portrait project to raise awareness of these remarkable women. This gallery is my tribute to them and all those women and girls interested in science.

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