More and more for
8: It is a Gram-negative strict is no motile & no spore-forming. Commonly associated with a non-westernized diet, mostly plant-based diet. And it looks like

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Here we are again with more for
7: It is a Gram-positive bacilli, frequently used as probiotic. It is found in genital microbiota. And it looks like …

1 3

Another day of for
It is a Gram-negative bacteria that motiles thanks to one or two flagella. Some species may cause gastroenteritis and their transmission is related to contaminated food.

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Here we go again with more for
Bacteria It is a proteobacteria bile-resistant, with pleomorphic cells due to an irregular cell wall. It is associated with a diet high in animal proteins and fats.
And it looks like ..

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Just noodling with today's microbial doodle as we near - check it out

(wish I was there/here/everywhere!)

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Happy ! Love getting to work on such a cool topic for my PhD thesis work in such a fast growing and interesting field!

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Happy world microbiome day from me and my some of my favorite microbes I’ve had the pleasure of culturing over the years from different microbiomes!

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Aujourd'hui, c'est la journée mondiale du microbiome !
C'est l’occasion pour nous de vous présenter nos équipes et leurs recherches sur les barrières d'organes
Alors, restez à l’affût !

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Celebrating with exciting new papers on:

- Gut microbiome & epilepsy
- Gut microbiota & ventilatory response to hypercapnia
- Gut microbe-derived metabolite TMAO & cardiac sympathetic nervous system

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