

fanarts aplenty here, original stuff is somewhere else

フォロー数:1314 フォロワー数:1897

Have some shantae pep!

0 8

So long Ash & Pikachu!

0 5

sad man arrives! Thanatos is here to pick up zag's slack!

5 15

Two sketches for more fan TCG cards of Megaera and Thanatos, trying to do a set of 5 but cant figure out if i wanna draw some.. like equipments, bosses, or assists

0 1

Will probably do a small hades run first: Zag, Than and Meg. but yeah, these are super fun to make and think about. this is kinda what i would want out of a smash like card game.

12 26

I really wanna make some fake TCG cards of characters I like. Maybe I'll get these printed.

2 5

I enjoyed the a fair bit! It’s hokey and a little junk, but i got what i wanted out of it - well, except this guy

2 19

When is this coming to n64 nso?!

6 29