Damedelion 📦さんのプロフィール画像

Damedelion 📦さんのイラストまとめ

I'm mostly sonic/bp2 trash, but I dabble. I'm opinionated and talkative. Fair warning 🙃! (SFW)
If blocked, no hard feelings I just don't want to fight 🫡

フォロー数:396 フォロワー数:2561

JP Tails - not a contest for me even if I don't hate US Tails at all (rather, I am at most underwhelmed with him at times). JP Tails triumphs character, capability, or looks wise lmao.

JP Tails squad let's go- https://t.co/1J1JuoLQDX

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While it's nice to see it again in IDW, I just kind of wanted to point out that it isn't new 👀. In fact, Sonic has initiated/returned contact, been shown to not really be bothered with Amy all up in his grill, and sometimes even seemed content. This is transparent in Sonic X 😌.

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In addition, Sonic X and other canons been showcased this. Sonic didn't always seem uncomfortable or resisted her affectionate hugs. In fact, sometimes he either returned it, smiled and allowed her, or - while taken aback - still allowed her to hug him and "held" her anyway.

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Atleast in the Archie Sonic comics, Blaze has been noticeably drawn with a not so flat chest (along with different shaped eyes and hair markings whilst Burning Blaze.).

I didn't really like this since canonically Blaze is flat chested and can be insecure about it.

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All these Blaze simps trying to fight the inevitable spitting of the fact that Amy's best girl🗿

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"When had she ever experienced in leadership or plans"

"[To team Rose] Look! Those Eggman’s robots are guarding the machines! Something doesn’t make sense, let’s get rid of them first!" - Amy Rose, Sonic Heroes

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Very recent - atleast earlier this year until he got called out for it... Again.

It's not like this was his first offense or rodeo either.

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I hate this. Sally "Mc"Acorn looks like you can snap her like a twig just by blowing, someone help this poor girl-

Sonic, this isn't something you should be simpin' for what is wrong with you-

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(Repost) I left that unmentioned, but yeah, it is worth taking that into account. What comes to mind is issue 222's cover, issue 174's cover, TTT part one's cover, and how they had Cream remind Amy of Sonic's relationship with Sally.

These weren't tasteful and provocative.

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