🐠 Guzbourine 🐠さんのプロフィール画像

🐠 Guzbourine 🐠さんのイラストまとめ

Trad-art multiverse full of stories, different ages & places for two same main characters!

#TealSail Guangdong Piracy 1781
#YellowWars San Francisco Mafia 1925

フォロー数:2953 フォロワー数:338

Queremos compartir con vosotros un revelador que nos llegó al especial de Navidad del año pasado. Nos encanta cuando os hacéis preguntas y compartís vuestras inquietudes, ¡por favor, seguid mandándonoslas!

¿Y vosotros os habíais dado cuenta?

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Regarding to last Christmas, we'd like to share with you a revealing which arrives in this old Christmas' post. We love when you readers share your concerns and doubts about Randy and Lu Han with us, please keep doing it!

Did you already notice this...?

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We've been a bit missing this Christmas, but now we've caught up with comments... Thanks for your patience! We feature two comments this week, one of each of ours series ^^ Please continue giving us your impressions and even theories xD We truly love them!

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¡Bienvenidos a los nuevos años 20, mafiosillos! La primera página de 2020 está aquí y esperamos que la disfrutéis. Se está poniendo interesante ¬¬D


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Welcome to new 20's, lil' gangsters! 1st page of 2020 and we hope you enjoy it! It's getting hot ¬¬D


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Brand new Logo! Yellow Wars icon's making its debut, what do you think about it?

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¿Visteis ya la página de esta semana en Tapas, Webtoon y DeviantArt? Si es que no, id ya a leer y no olvidéis darnos vuestra sincera opinión: ¿anuncio de champú o de colonia? 💦


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Did you see our weekly page on Tapas, Webtoon or Deviantart? If not, go read it now and don't forget to give us your sincere opinion: Shampoo or Cologne Spot?


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Os recordamos que podéis seguir comentando en la publicación "1er QnA" en cualquiera de nuestras plataformas durante este mes; ¡las responderemos TODAS junto con un sketch! Nos lo estamos pasando genial recopilándolas, así que, ¡seguid enviándonos vuestras dudas!

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+ You can still comment in our "1st Q&A" publication on any of our platforms👆🏼 throughout this month, and we'll answer ALL OF THEM along with an sketch! We're having a lot of fun collecting and answering them so, please, keep sending us your existencial doubts!

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