🐠 Guzbourine 🐠さんのプロフィール画像

🐠 Guzbourine 🐠さんのイラストまとめ

Trad-art multiverse full of stories, different ages & places for two same main characters!

#TealSail Guangdong Piracy 1781
#YellowWars San Francisco Mafia 1925

フォロー数:2900 フォロワー数:329

As it says, Randy and Lu Han (as well as us) are taking a break from the hard work and spending some free time till next week, when you could continue knowing about their misadventures and maybe see them settle their dispute… You won’t have to wait too long! 🌞

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Thank you one more week for comment, seamen! We keep receiving opinions about Randy's odor mostly, it couldn't be otherwise, but this one sounds funny; we love when you provide new possible names for the serie (?)... or for the pairing. Surely accurate. What do you think? 🙊

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¡¿Estrenamos nuevo logo?! ¿Para qué podrá ser...? Iremos revelado más detallitos a lo largo de esta semana~. ¡Estad atentos!

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Do we have a brand-new logo?! What could it be for...? More details will be revealed this week~ Stay tuned!

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Do you already know our IG section From today we're gonna share it here too, one or two of our favourite weekly comments! The next could be yours 🙌🏻 This time is from Tapas! We can imagine the scene... and is as dark as funny, doesn't it? 😂🙊

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Hi there, seamen! We decided we're gonna use more Twitter, because we have it for show. So stay tuned to the posts, games and more we're going to bring up here!

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We're re-uploading Lu Han's Character File because we forgot some fact we wanted yo add, so here you have the new version!

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Hey! Este fin de semana estaremos en el Japan Weekend de Madrid; no tenemos stand pero andaremos pululando por ahí, aquí dejamos nuestro plan de cosplay. Si nos veis, ¡no dudéis en acercaros a saludar! Nos encantaría conocer a la gente bonita que nos sigue y lee ;;💙

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Your votes have spoken! Finally, here you have the first character file. We're starting with Lu Han, the genuine and curious creature of the cove. Everything about him will be revealed and detailed through the story, but we hope you like this small preview.

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We're a bit late but, here you have our peculiar Valentine's gift! Do you know Lupercalia, the Romans' celebration where this holiday comes from? We thought it was a good moment to introduce you another version of our guys.

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