

ENNIE-winning illustrator | Infected By Art vol 11 | #wotcstaff | she/her | opinions are my own


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Clean sketch done, it was time to do line art, drop in flats, and then detail them both. I don't know why I thought it would be easy to drape a horizontally-striped-and-patterned skirt like I did, but it worked out eventually..!

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Thumbnail decided, it was time to start on progress. Unlike my usual painting process, I knew I had to prioritize iconic shapes and readable silhouettes for this one over my recent go-to of Weird Lighting, haha.

First step was a cleaner sketch to establish proportions!

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So after seeing that GORGEOUS card art get dropped, I got super inspired to make my own and spent the last several days making a Dolores Madrigal card art 💃✨

Process/details in the thread!

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📌I'm Gwen, a 3-time ENNIE award-winning illustrator and art director!


To find out what I'm up to next, check out 💖

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Here are a few more detail close-ups for good measure! I spent so long painting this image!!

Fun fact, there are 128 coins in this illustration, not including the coin border 🪙

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Then I proceeded to noodle with things A Lot, especially the lighting (why did I backlight and underlight a person wearing so much metal...) and the outfit. I wanted the design to scream that this is a goddess of wealth and commerce, so, coins everywhere!

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Next step was to mock up my pose in 3D to get some reference for the perspective and extremely weird lighting situation I'd created! I ended up with this terrifying image (I accidentally deleted the eye texture? I'm bad at 3D tools), and then painted over it.

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Thumbnail picked, it was time to draw the rest of the owl! This is my first pass at a cleaner sketch -- I added the halo and gave her a filigreed mantle with pauldrons to strengthen her silhouette. (I learned from 80's movies that power is stored in the shoulderpads)

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The Queen of Air and Darkness was uh, not so easy. I kept having too many ideas for things to include in her layout, and adding too many details (especially in the smoke), which was making the composition muddy and confusing. We got there eventually, though!

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Here are the Shar steps! This one also came together very easily for me -- I love a spooky lady with glowing eyes, after all.

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