

🇵🇭 | occasional drawer and awkward person

フォロー数:113 フォロワー数:96

don't be a coelacan't

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kobeni with the huge ass knife

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i stopped drawing for months because it was stressing me out. but now i'm in a slightly better headspace, so i've been picking up the stylus a lot more often. this is me spending more time on a drawing than usual. i had fun. still hate backgrounds tho

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i'm back i think

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i've been having too many of these sad episodes for quite the long while now so i tried making something cute and bubbly to help shake off my schupid feewings

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Hello! I'm Gyang and I most enjoy drawing character art, though I do try to be an all-rounder. I tend to bounce from style to style quite a lot, but I like learning and exploring that way haha. Taggin':

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Experiment w diff styles and coloring. The total no. of hrs it took for me to make this is stupid. BUT I learned a lot in the process😂
Decided to revisit 2 of my earliest Ra-ra and Alice. I think i made them way back when i was still a 14/15 y/o w/ a punk rock obsession😂

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IMO the most badass female hero in the series so far

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