

pfp by: @ChipPerDusk
Banner by: @BernieTheBro

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:397

Though even if they are aged up. I really don't see the point of it. Especially since there are adults in Yo-Kai Watch that look good such as Lily Adams, Diana Gately, Mr. Barton, and Doctor Hughly.

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Crash wearing Nate Adams outfit from Yo-Kai Watch

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Maybe Nate Adams from Yo-Kai Watch?

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I still remember when people literally got upset about that comic because of how Crash reacted. Like god damn! Talk about taking jokes way too damn seriously.

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Same, I'm not the kind of person who really does cosplay. But in September, I do plan on cosplaying as Nate from Yo-Kai Watch and Joker from Persona 5 because of an event I'm going to.

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Welp, it's official. My most favorite video game franchise of all time is now Yo-Kai Watch, and my most favorite video game of all time is honestly a tie between Yo-Kai Watch 3 and Persona 5 Royal. Sorry LittleBigPlanet.

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