

pfp by: @ChipPerDusk
Banner by: @BernieTheBro

フォロー数:139 フォロワー数:397

I mean I could understand them making a remaster of Part II. But why this? Why even remake Part I when we basically already have it on the PS4. Plus it's free for PS Plus members on PS5.

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Your most famous drawing VS. Your most favorite drawing

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: Scarlett Bandicoot
Persona 5 Royal (PS4)
New Nintendo 3DS XL
Yo-Kai Watch (3DS)
Komasan Sun Ce plush
Persona 5 Strikers Joker pin
(Rest of the images down below)

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I can't think of any good ones off the top of my head. So I'll go with Master Nyada from Yo-Kai Watch 2.

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2. Diana Gately from Yo-Kai Watch

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I'm having Sakuranyan invade your tl again.

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