luca 🫧さんのプロフィール画像

luca 🫧さんのイラストまとめ

luca/peter, he/they lesbian white boy. i love my ocs and bad games and sometimes i try to draw things. (18+)
🪼 @bladesunlock 🪼

フォロー数:338 フォロワー数:390

have i ever talked about. him. lee's ex girlfriend who lee keeps painting as a HORRIBLE WRETCHED PERSON who ABANDONED HER (he broke up with her because as much as he cares about her he didn't think that having a dead sister was an excuse for being an asshole to him)

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these are obviously old and a little hard to look at now but... the mouse era of luca art... i still feel my younger self's anger abt that third one because i spent DAYS on it for a competition and then someone with more skill entered last minute and won and i got second place

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however i think the style i've been drawing in lately is decently comfy. it kinda combines the convenience of lined art w/ the coloring i enjoy . say hi to ton and akhe btw i just need examples

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idk what palette i want so i'm just posting both

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talking about splatoon i love this art bc just. pearl being in tears over a video game. wait hold on i just noticed it also looks like she even has the glow from when you charge up a special dlhgalhnakalgh

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the way i feel about thancred waters rn is like

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sorry that this of all things is my first time drawing teo but . don't you know the teo harvest is bountiful this time of year....

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oh originally it was red just bc i thought it looked cool. i kept changing mori's hair to match her glams and eventually settled on black/white because it matches with everything (which has now retconned her previous hair colors. it's poliosis)

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digging this up. this oc that i redrew recently was the LAST anthro character i had and i literally only have one old drawing of that form left (not her most up-to-date design!) bc it was the ONE i missed when i deleted everything

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considering the average quality of my designs back in the day, i think maria was always surprisingly solid

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