hamsterCrumbs | Live2D モデラーさんのプロフィール画像

hamsterCrumbs | Live2D モデラーさんのイラストまとめ

EN 〇 | JP △ games/art/live2d
will rig for food
依頼 ( 個人 △ | 企業 〇 )
HP(日本語): hamstercrumbs.carrd.co

フォロー数:2576 フォロワー数:13701

9 months later she gets no remakes, only NODs...

3 31

yeah, I really wonder what sort of inspiration drug I ingested when I made this piece...

8 75

yo I heard you like glue so I gluglugluglugluglu

8 59


3 19

I implemented Cillia's godly mouth params right after I got off work

72 721

Angle X test!
I added a gazillion shading layers, and it turned out looking nice!

Still need to fix some(a LOT) of parts...

23 162


16 74