

Too poor for all of my interests

otome game account: @oto_tokie

Banner: @PartisanART

フォロー数:721 フォロワー数:850

happy birthday to both!! OuO

i hope you enjoyed your cake! and enjoy your time at WB!

0 5

o u o) waifu waifu waifu waifu laifu waifu waifu waifu

0 12

2019 was interesting! Had ups and downs but overall was a good one. With that said may 2020 be amazing for everyone! ♡ I hope that everyone can live everyday with a smile on their face. Bad days will always happen but so will tomorrow so hang on! Here's to a new year♡

3 21

Dang everyone is really nonstop complaining about how stupid every other character is while ignoring all the amazing tools their character has. Focus on your character's strengths and how to cover weaknesses because it's definitely not your character that's making you lose.

12 84

*^*). I need a break from humans kind of week.

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