

Send all your depressing feelings to PandaMouse.
PandaMouse eats deliciously and brings you happiness.

フォロー数:116 フォロワー数:141

Delicious cake, yum yum!
A cake full of love for pink pink.
Panda Mouse & Ari are eating happily.


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For those who purchased the product,
we will give you the PC&Phone wallpaper of the illustration as a small gift.
Panda Mouse presents happiness.
Have a happy and wonderful day today.

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The first painting was sold.
Thank you so much to Blue Dragon77 for purchasing my painting.😊
I drew a small picture with gratitude.
I hope you are always happy and have a good day.☘️

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치킨은 맛있다💛

갤럭시테마에 치킨 테마&아이콘 있어요🙂
There is PandaMouse chicken theme & icon in Galaxy theme.🙂

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오늘은??? 화이트데이!!
아리군이 선물하는 사탕 입니다.
츄릅 츄릅!냠냠! 우적 우적!!
많이 드세요!!*^^*

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