Hehe my grandparents got me a lil Galaxy themed fennec fox toy for my birthday. I absolutely love him! He’s so cute!! I named him Callisto >:3
They bought him from Gift of Mercury’s store 💙💜

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Galaxy Polaroid | The Galaxy is where you're free. 🌌 Galaxy image by pikisuperstar - freepik

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My dear relative Hanna Vox, a singer and songwriter with a huge talent has released a single called "A Clean Slate". We decided to do a collab together with this new song. Please listen to it!

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치킨은 맛있다💛

갤럭시테마에 치킨 테마&아이콘 있어요🙂
There is PandaMouse chicken theme & icon in Galaxy theme.🙂

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I made a moodboard over on and made a character for my friend !!

I might do a bunch of these, so don't be shocked when they are all just... there.
Do not save/repost this art as it belongs to

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【오구 출시】
오구네 🌜꿈나라 놀러갈 시간이야!

(づ ' ө ' )づ∠오구랑 꿀잠자러 이리오구💛

※ 오구 삼성테마는 삼성 스마트폰 기기에서만 가능합니다.

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(Nov. 24, 2017) FurTrade piece for Taylee. First time drawing a galaxy background for anything so I was particularly proud of my attempt.

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