

taffeta, darling. traincat @ tumblr/ao3.

フォロー数:197 フォロワー数:1826



They need to do this again so I can hang it up in my house as a triptych.

4 40

There SHOULD be more superhero movies set in their original decades. I want a movie where Mary Jane talks like this.

56 344

I really liked Fantastic Four Fun, fast paced action story on the fringes of an event that still manages to be a good jumping on point for new readers before the new run starts. Sue starring and focused, but with good moments for the rest of the family, too. It's good!

0 23

Spider-Verse Take Two Kaine watch: do I even have to say it.

1 21

watching Flash Thompson hook up with anyone like you'll never have their chemistry.

12 68

once was being supportive of my clone love and sent me that text post that's like "he killed people and? he looked good doing it" with the caption "Kaine" and I had to be like oh no he looked real bad when he was killing people.

0 7

what if I reread the lost years.

0 31