

taffeta, darling. traincat @ tumblr/ao3.

フォロー数:187 フォロワー数:1739

I'm going to make this really easy for everyone because Shathra is in two stories so you really don't need a whole article about her.
Amazing Spider-Man v2
Scarlet Spider 24-25 (but just read the whole thing)

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literally every comic should come with paper dolls.

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incredible Harry outfit I know it cost a solid five hundred dollars.

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FLASH and he's ginger!! lol at him noticing Peter isn't at the game and the other guy going Parker's NEVER at games.

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Doing complicated mathematics now on Kaine getting an actual big role. Like he did kill Shathra the last time. And it was dramatic.

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it's (deep breath) it's fine.

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Flash, Felicia, and Jonah all trying to hide Peter's secret identity was cute though.

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de blasio is like definitely worse than the kingpin??

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Trying to soldier on but both Flash and Felicia being at this party like she never even got to react to his death. Please. 😭 She was gonna marry him.

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Wednesday spoilers// Wow this is really the whole reunion huh. 😭 I feel like the last five issues lulled me into a false sense of security but I'm mad about this. I would have liked, like, any emotion.

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