

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

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10. hope😺🌱
The cat raises cat grasses🌱

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2. wisp😺😺
There was nary a wisp of romance between them after many years of marriage😺😺結婚して長いのでロマンスのかけらもありません

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It was 34 degrees today, very hot and humid♨️🥵今日は34℃で蒸し暑かったです♨️🥵

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ニホンアナグマのワタナベさん😸🦡アジアアナグマの亜種で、アイドルファン😺👩‍🎤He's Watanabe-san, Japanese badger😸🦡It's subspecies of asia badger😺And, he's a major fan of pop idols😺👩‍🎤

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Thank you😸❣️The one that is particularly cute is this man😹

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I sent this parcel just now😸📦

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