

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

フォロー数:2640 フォロワー数:6848

仕事中😸💤🏢on duty

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猫ちぐらとこたつ😸😸💤Neko chigura and kotatsu

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とらちゃんは雨の日が大好き😸☔️🎶シャワーみたいなの🐈🚿Tora-chan really likes rainy days 😸☔️🎶It looks like a shower🐈🚿 

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とらちゃんは梅を水に入れてアク抜きしました🚰😸 梅のへたを竹串でとってキッチンペーパーで水分を拭き取るの😸 Tora-chan puts ume in the water, remove its bitterness🚰😸She removes the calyx from the ume with a bamboo skewer❣️Then, she wipe the moisture off the ume😸

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厳格な商品テストを実施しています🛌😸😸💤 We are doing strict product testing🛌😸😸💤

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会社についたとらちゃんはマスクを外しました😺😷在宅勤務と外回りで誰もいないと捗るの😸🎶🖥🏢Tora-chan gets to her office, she takes off her mask😺😷No one's in the office, coworkers visit clients and working from home🏙🏠She can be productive😸🎶🖥🏢

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I'll make fruit cats key charms😸🎶🍉🍈🍊

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人間の気持ちわからないにゃ〜😺❓I don't understand human being

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