

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

フォロー数:2638 フォロワー数:6865


Tora-chan and her friend became mermaids😸

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I’m drawing a new manga😸新しく漫画を描いてます

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This is the oldest Tora-chan in 2016😺

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にゃ〜い お茶 があります😸🍵There’s Nyai Ocha

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となりのトトロとセーラームーンのオマージュです😸I drew this as an homage to “My Neighbor Totoro” and ”Sailor Moon”

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We’re already THIRTEEN YEARS OLD YOU KNOW!? 私たち、もう13歳なんだよ!? 

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楽しいひな祭り🎎The fun girl’s festival (2016)
Hinamatsuri is held on March 3rd😸It is a festival celebrating girls, an occasion to pray girl’s growth and happiness😺Families display dolls in their home🎎The dolls depict the imperial court 🎎😸

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猫をたくさん描きました😻I drew many cats in February

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