

ヒナタボッコス Yo! I’m a cat lover graphic designer& illustrator in Japan😸 😼かきあげ団のデザ員😾NO AI learning

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2018 vs 2022 😸I have made progress😺進歩しました😺

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2月22日は猫の日です😻猫たちが幸せに暮らせますように😺❣️ In Japan, February 22nd is cat day😻We read it “ni-ni-ni(two two two)” in Japanese😺The words is with similar pronunciation to “nya-nya-nya(meow meow meow)” in Japanese😸I hope cats have a long and happy life

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ミミちゃんのお気に入りのセーター😸Mimi-chan’s favorite sweater(Japanese version)

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ずーっとお正月だったらいいのになんで3日までなのぉ〜😭I wish the New year holidays would never end! Why is yesterday the last day of the holidays, on January 3!😭

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2021年のお気に入り😻❣️たくさん描けました😸My favorites from 2021😻❣️I drew many illustrations and comics😸

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ぬくぬくとらちゃん🧣Tora-Chan looks so cozy😸

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新しいとらちゃん漫画を描いてます😸❣️I’m drawing a new Tora-chan manga😸❣️

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小学生とらちゃん😸The elementary school student Tora-chan

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のらねことらちゃんスタンプ2を作ります🎨😼🖥I’ll make Tora-chan LINE sticker version 2🎨😼🖥 https://t.co/c3hUuepuxc

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ワクチン接種完了とらちゃんの壁紙を作りました😺❣️I made a wallpaper of vaccinated Tora-chan 😺❣️

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